ISC2 North East England Chapter - June 2024

ISC2 Chapter Meetup
Published on Tuesday 18 June 2024


🕰️ 17:00 - 17:30

Arrivals / Networking

🕰️ 17:30 - 17:40

Introductions, Chapter Updates

Steve Gilray, Chapter Present

🕰️ 17:40 - 18:00

Arctic Wolf: Observations from Incident Responders from the last 12 months

Rich Fenton, Senior Systems Engineer, Arctic Wolf

Rich will present on some of the most common observed threats that industry faces, calculating the cost of a cyber-incident and what effective measures can be considered to help protect your organisation from an incident. • What are the major causes of incidents in 2023 – as witnessed by Arctic Wolf’s Incident Response team (1000 cases) • What does the impact of a breach look like ? • Is it possible to measure the potential impact beforehand to understand what your risk profile looks like (in the way a cyber-insurer would)

🕰️ 18:00 - 18:25

Insider Threats

Stuart G, Cyber Security Specialist, Armour Group

🕰️ 18:25 - 19:20

Pizza, refreshments

🕰️ 19:20 - 20:00

Cyber War & what it actually means in reality for Cyber Security Practitioners

Andrew Pannell

Andrew will scrutinise the widely overused phrase "cyber war" by examining warfare and nation state attacks that have crossed the boundary into offensive cyber operations. Focusing on tactics used by both Hamas and Israel in October 2023 including reverse engineering malware, API security and DDOS attacks in detail. Andrew will offer a view of what future Cyber warfare could look like and what we can do best protect ourselves/ our organisations in such events.

Date and time

🗓️ Tuesday, June 18 · 5 - 8pm GMT+1


📍 3rd floor
77 Grey St
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1