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Get started

Use this section to take your users through the quickest and easiest way of getting an example response from your API.

You can use a short, numbered list about making a test request and response with sample code. If your API uses authentication and authorisation, include a step on getting a test API key.

Do not include every possible request variable or response parameter, or multiple examples. Link to more detailed explanations elsewhere in your documentation if you need to.

At the top of your ‘Get started’ section, you should include:

  • the URL of the API, for example
  • any HTTP headers your user must include in each request
  • the format of requests and responses, for example JSON
  • how to apply authentication and authorisation if your API uses them

Do not explain the basics of how APIs work, or how authentication and authorisation work. You can link to external explanations by following the GOV.UK external linking policy.

Link to your browser-based API ‘sandbox’ if you have one, so your users can try out requests and responses.